Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Old House

So I've been neglecting my blog, but I have a good reason! I'm in the process of buying the home I've been living in and have had to do some major work under a tight schedule in order to secure my loan.

Of course at first it didn't seem like such major work, scrape the paint, replace any wood with dry rot, repaint - easy right? I discovered pretty quickly that my wood siding was covered with a stucco-like substance that took tons and tons of work to remove.

Below is a picture of the front of the house after the peeling paint had been scraped off, the remaining white paint is the crazy-resistant stucco-like stuff.

The other front of the house. Luckily, only these two faces of the house are covered in wood siding, the rest is stucco, which is in decent shape and just needs to be painted.

We've got a lot more done since these photos were taken, I will post more pictures soon! Once we finish this project (which has monopolized nearly every minute of our lives for the past three weeks) I will have some free time for crafting and blogging...before we begin the next project that is...